Us humans are really capable of doing many things, we can go in many directions, and be many different things.

Unlike many other things on this earth, we humans are both blessed and cursed with choice, and ability to decide.

We all have our own histories, our own ailments, or own experiences. Some situations may appear as less of a challenge than others.

Sometimes our situations can engulf us and dominate our life…tainting what we see.

We all have our own journeys, our own paths.

There isn’t a wrong one.

One thing that is universal is our ability to choose.

This is one of our greatest powers, because it means that we can take any situation and choose what to do about it.

Even when there seems to be a dead end we can choose a new way to see whats in front of us.

Just like the change of view we see from the perspective of atop a mountain, we can change how we view situations.

And we never know… perhaps from that new vantage point we can find our way out of the maize


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